Making Your Artisan Gelato Pints Stand Out

If you own a gelato shop, selling your gelato in pints can bring you a whole lot more business. Some guests will come in, have a bowl or cone of gelato, and then want to buy a gelato pint to bring home and enjoy later. Other people will come buy pints to go enjoy at a nearby park. Still others will buy the pints to stash in their freezer and enjoy on a rainy day. Pints of gelato are just so versatile! But here's the challenge: you probably won't be the only one in town selling them. So, you want to make sure your stand out from the crowd. Here are some ways you can set your gelato pints apart.

Swirl in fudge or caramel.

Fudge or caramel topping can turn gelato into a simple sundae. Consider swirling one or both of these toppings into some of your gelato pints. You can fill the pint half way, drizzle in some topping, add more gelato, and then top the pint off with some more caramel. It's usually most versatile to sell vanilla gelato this way, but customers will enjoy caramel-topped chocolate gelato and fudge-topped strawberry gelato, too! Experiment a little, and see which flavors sell best.

Include a little cup of candy toppings.

Chopped candy bars, chocolate chips, crushed cookies — these are all tasty when served on top of gelato. Consider giving customers the option to choose one small packet of candy toppings to take with their gelato. Customers who plan on eating their gelato in their car or at a nearby park will really enjoy this option. Some people might take the gelato home and snack on the candy on the car ride, and that's okay, too!

Give the gelato fun names.

Ice cream companies have gotten really experimental with their name, but for some reason, gelato makers still use traditional names, like "pistachio" and "raspberry." You want customers to know what flavor they're buying, but you'll really delight customers if you get a little creative. Call your coffee gelato "Wake-Up Call." Call your pistacho gelato "Green Monster." Then, include the actual flavor in smaller print under your creative flavor name.

Gelato pints are, by their nature, appealing to customers. But with the ideas above, you can really help yours stand out from the crowd. Consider implementing one or more of these ideas, and then ask your customers what they think.
